
    1000+ Downloads on Playstore

    Qsol was developed to provide quick access to previous year exam papers, syllabus and solutions of various universities like Kurukshetra University (KUK), Haryana State Board of Technical Education (HSBTE) with the functionalities like download many papers on a single click, sharing papers etc.

    Space Dawn 🚀

    Space Dawn 🚀

    GitHub Repo stars

    Space Dawn is an app built to demonstrate the use of Mutli-Module Clean MVVM Architecture with Jetpack Compose by following Material-3 guidelines along with other MAD libraries such as Dagger-Hilt, Room Database, Coroutines, Navigation, WorkManager etc. for building Android Apps

    My Notes 📝

    My Notes 📝

    GitHub Repo stars

    A demo todo/notes app which demonstrates the use of MVVM architecture with Test-cases, Navigation Component Library, Room Database, LiveData, Coroutines, Datastore etc.

    Jetstar 🎥 ⭐

    Jetstar 🎥 ⭐

    GitHub Repo stars

    Sample app to demonstrate the use of Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) for making mobile apps targeting both Android and iOS platforms